Suicide in the Construction Industry: What You Need to Know

The workplace is a critical place for changing how our country addresses mental health. This is particularly true in the construction industry, which ranks first in the number of suicide deaths and second in the suicide rate, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Working through the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention, ASA is making materials available to its members to help them implement suicide prevention programs in their companies. Certainly, suicide is not an easy topic, but it is critical to start the conversation. The process starts with bold leadership by groundbreakers who are willing to admit “this matters to the well-being of our company and the families of our employees.” A first step is to integrate suicide prevention and mental health awareness into their existing safety culture. One tool to help you in your own company is the A Construction Industry Blueprint: Suicide Prevention in the Workplace, a 15-page handbook that lists danger signs, suggests conversation tips, and provides sample tool box talks. Visit the Alliance Web site for more tools to help your company address the mental health challenges of your employees.