One More Reason to Be a C3 Accredited Employer

ASA-HC is proud to be a supporter of the Construction Career Collaborative (C3). Among the many things C3 does, it strives to promote companies that are helping us work toward a safe, skilled, and sustainable craft workforce. Currently, they promote C3 Accredited Employers company name and logo in their bi-weekly News Brief when a company first enrolls and at the three-year mark. They also list your company’s hyperlinked logo on their website ( by CSI Division and level of earned craft training endorsement; and now they are doing more!


To create an even greater value for C3 Accredited Employers that are working to achieve a craft training endorsement, C3 is constructing a directory of C3 Accredited Employers to distribute quarterly to their 26 General Contractors so these companies can be included in the GC bid lists.