Hot Off the Press – The Contractor’s Compass

The Official Educational Journal of the American Subcontractors Association

Inside this Edition:

  •  2020 to 2030: How Current Construction Tends Will Shape Our Future
  • Tennessee Court of Appeals Clarifies Subcontractor’s Rights to Recovery of #400/day Penalty for Contractor’s Violation of Prompt Pay Act Requirement to Place Retainage in Escrow Account
  • 10 Futuristic Technologies That are Changing Construction
  • What’s Comin’ Down the Road in 2030
  • Construction Tech 2030: The Age of Integration
  • Business Prepaid Cards Simplify Per Diem for Subcontractors
  • LEGALLY SPEAKING: Drones, Technology, and the Future of Construction
  • Creating a Safer, More Productive Lit Environment for Construction Workers
  • ASA President’s Letter