Brianna F.E. Wright

The ASA Family Mourns a Great Loss

We are heartbroken to announce that Brianna Wright passed away peacefully early Saturday morning, July 3rd. Brianna served as Executive Director for the American Subcontractor Association’s Houston Chapter for 24 years. She brought an incredible amount of energy, passion, and spirit to everything she did for ASA Houston. Brianna worked hard and sweat the details, just like her contractor members. No job was too big or too small for her to pour everything she had into it.

Brianna’s smile was her standard greeting and she was easy with a laugh. It did not matter whether you were a new hire or the owner of the company, she made you feel welcome.

Brianna battled cancer with the same grit and determination she brought to every challenge. She played through the pain, and made it seem to almost everyone but those closest to her that nothing was wrong. Brianna never wanted the focus on her whether it was a ASA luncheon, an EIC event, or her fight with cancer.

She held it off as long as she could and just long enough to recruit a new executive director and leave the ASA Houston chapter in good hands for the future.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Brianna’s husband David who has been a champion by her side and her family whose loss is so much greater than ours.

Brianna believed that this separation would be a temporary one and we share that hope as well.

Until that time, we can offer nothing but gratitude for her service and love for so many years. It will never be forgotten.

God bless you, Brianna, and thank you.