2021 SUBStrong Virtual Conference & Tradeshow for Construction Subcontractors

In cooperation with ASA of Colorado and chapters throughout the United States, ASA-Houston Chapter is proud to be a part of 2021 SUBStrong, Building Your Bottom Line, Feb. 24-26.


The three-day 2021 SUBStrong virtual conference will offer information, resources and solutions covering finance, business management, construction management, contracting and negotiation tips, employment law and HR, leadership, health and safety, business development, asset management and more through daily keynote speakers, leadership roundtables, and educational workshops.


Because SUBStrong offers something for everyone in your company, SUBStrong has a company registration. One $99 registration and your entire company is registered with a single login link to share with your entire staff for the entire conference.  


Not a fan of virtual networking? You haven’t attended a SUBStrong networking and a virtual tradeshow. No searching for a product, service or information, just click and you are in meeting and talking with vendors and attendees.

Want more details? Visit substrong.com for all the education and networking opportunities SUBStrong 2021 will offer.

Ready to register? Click here to get signed up.
(The link will take you to the conference platform Hopin registration site.)